Trafford Labour are a “soft touch” at managing local services say Liberal Democrats

Trafford Liberal Democrat Councillors have hit out at the council’s ruling Labour Group over the state of basic services like drain clearance, road repairs and park maintenance.
Lib Dem Deputy Leader Councillor Will Frass said that Labour are being “taken for a ride” by outsourcing giant Amey, who were handed a 23-year super-contract to provide basic council services by the Conservatives in 2015.
Councillor Frass said, “I haven’t met a single person who thinks a 23-year deal is a good idea. You only have to walk around your local area to see the slap dash services we’re expected to put up with. The roads are a state and the drains are blocked up. Outside a few special cases, most of our smaller local parks are neglected. Every year it’s getting worse.”
But the council’s official score card for AMEY’s work tells a different story. Every year, the ruling Labour Group sign off Amey’s work by awarding them top-marks for everything from clearing the drains, fixing the potholes, and trimming grass verges.
The Lib Dems don’t believe that taxpayers are getting value for money from Amey’s multi-million-pound contract under Labour.
Councillor Frass said, “Whoever is marking Amey’s homework is on another planet. I can only imagine how people who were flooded last month will feel when they find out Labour awarded Amey 100% for drain clearance every month last year.”
“If that wasn’t enough, they’ve also given Amey top marks for trimming grass verges. There isn’t a single overgrown verge in Trafford according to this Labour Council. As for ‘reactive road maintenance’ – would any Labour Councillor be willing to stand up and say Amey do 100% of pothole repairs?”
"Every month, someone types ‘100%’ into a spreadsheet and colours it green at the Town Hall –it’s insulting to residents.
Labour are a soft touch when it comeS to enforcing the contract with Amey. They’ve been taken for a ride, and we need a much tougher approach.”