Tories’ AMEY contract has let Trafford down” say Liberal Democrats

“Tories’ AMEY contract has let Trafford down” say Liberal Democrats
Liberal Democrats in Trafford have slammed Conservative politicians who signed away local services including - road repairs, park maintenance and bin collections – back in 2015.
Trafford Liberal Democrat Deputy Leader councillor Jane Brophy said, “Questioning by Liberal Democrat councillors has uncovered that there are hundreds fewer street bins in Trafford now, but AMEY are still getting paid the same fee by the council for less work.”
“We only have to look around at the state of our roads and at what passes for a repair job when potholes are eventually filled. The Conservatives signed a bad deal for Trafford and now the Council is not getting the basics right for residents.”
Liberal Democrats have called for AMEY to be fined for poor services.
Councillor Brophy said, “This contract is letting people in Trafford down. The Council needs to stand up to its contractors when they are not delivering the standard of services people in Trafford deserve.”