Timperley Metrolink Station to get Arch makeover

Welcome to Timperley? The Lib Dems have got TfGM to replace the old Timperley Metrolink arches
Recently a shiny new yellow arch appeared at Dane Road tram stop - the most under-used station on Altrincham line.
But our Metro Station in Timperley has rusty old arches, with the signs peeling off at the top and faded paint!
It is not a welcoming sight - so the Lib Dems have asked TfGM to replace both of the arches to smarten up the entrance to Timperley.
While we're sure a few people will ask us to prioritise 'fixing the potholes instead', TfGM run the trams and aren't going to spend their budget to fix the roads. So this means we could have both, and we should aim to do both too!