Liberal Democrats fight to protect urgent care as Labour vote three ways on the future of Altrincham Hospital

Trafford’s Liberal Democrat councillor Simon Lepori mounted an impassioned defence of urgent care provision at Altrincham Hospital at a meeting of Trafford Council’s Health Committee (11/09). Following a debate on plans to permanently close Altrincham Minor Injuries Unit and relocate the service to Wythenshawe, opposition councillors, including Lepori forced a vote. The ruling Labour group managed to vote three different ways on the proposal to reject the permanent loss of urgent care at Altrincham.
The committee narrowly voted in favour of referring the decision back for further consultation by five votes to four. With Labour councillors split between for, against and abstain.
Councillor Lepori said, “Trafford has a long history of watching health services bleed away. This is the latest short-sighted proposal which will harm people in the south of Trafford. Many, like the residents I represent in Timperley, are already struggling to access services.”
“The plan to relocate the service to Wythenshawe Hospital on a permanent basis is not acceptable. Anyone who’s waited in Wythenshawe A&E recently knows that Wythenshawe Hospital is no golden goose.”
The Liberal Democrats have stated that Altrincham Minor Injuries should be reopened as an Urgent Treatment Centre, like the one at Trafford General.
Trafford Liberal Democrat Deputy Leader councillor Will Frass said, “Trafford Labour have forced through plans to deliver 2,500 new houses on Timperley Wedge, just down the road from Altrincham hospital. Yet we’ve just heard Labour councillors tell us they don’t think the south of Trafford needs extra urgent care provision. I’d challenge them to try to get a GP appointment at the moment and if you’re not getting that care, you end up needing hospital services.”