Deansgate Lane flooding and potholes to be fixed
Cllrs Will Frass and Jane Brophy chase AMEY about the serious flooding and pothole issues on Deansgate Lane near the Gardeners Arms and the level crossing.
The Deansgate Lane cobbles* making an unwelcome return
This time, it's too big even for Amey to ignore!
Jane Brophy and I grabbed some photos of this yesterday, when we were out speaking to residents in the area by the Level Crossing.
It is getting worse by the day, because the surface has completely disappeared down to the old stones below, and is breaking away at the edges.
I have told Amey that people are having to drive round it, which isn't ideal so close to the carpark entrance, and the Level Crossing.
They say they have prioritized my request for this week.
(* setts, I know)

Deansgate Lane becoming a lake in heavy rain
The grids on the narrow stretch just after the level crossing on Deansgate Lane are packed solid with stones and mud. The one on the corner of Skelton Road is the same, so that doesn't help either. Local residents told me flood water can get quite deep because of how low the road is there.
I raised a request with the Council's contractors Amey a month ago, when the weather was still dry, to give them time to do it before the autumn.
No action from Amey so far
I chased this two weeks ago when it flooded, at the same time my colleague Councillor Jane Brophy - Liberal Democrats reported blocked grids on Brook Avenue.
They started work on the Brook Avenue grids very quickly - so we couldn't understand why they didn't do Deansgate Lane while they were here. This weekend it was just ridiculous, so I told Amey it was getting urgent and they need to prioritize this.
Road closure
Amey have updated me: they have been and are making plans.
Because of the narrow road and railings to stop big lorries going over the railway - they need to shut the road for a few hours while they dig out all the stones and suck out the drains.
I've been told Amey are planning to do it in the early hours of Saturday morning.
Cllr Will Frass