“Asylum hotel crisis is a problem manufactured by the Conservatives” say Trafford Liberal Democrats

Trafford’s Liberal Democrat councillors have blasted the Conservative Party over asylum hotels during a debate on Cresta Court in Altrincham – which has been repurposed by the Home Office to temporarily house asylum seekers.
Liberal Democrat Group Leader councillor Shaun Ennis said, “The asylum hotel crisis is a problem entirely of the Conservative Party’s own making… a direct result of their decisions in government which were designed to divide and distract people from the mess they’ve made of the country.”
Councillor Ennis and his Lib Dem colleagues went on to list decisions taken by the last Conservative government which had made the small boat crossings crisis worse, including closing of legal routes, the cutting of foreign aid and a Brexit deal which agreed no policy with the EU for return of unsuccessful asylum claimants.
Liberal Democrat Deputy Leader councillor Will Frass slammed the Conservative’s ill-fated Rwanda scheme, arguing that “The Conservatives funnelled hundreds of millions into this hair-brained scheme to send migrants to Rwanda, a deliberate choice to divert public money away from the Home Office and immigration departments that are supposed to be processing asylum applications.”
Councillor Ennis added, “This was an avoidable crisis. But it’s a crisis the Conservative Party wanted to create – driven by a desire to… deflect from the fact that their failure to govern has decimated every corner of British society.”